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Breaking Free: Finding Purpose and Healing in God

So many of us are walking through life with deep emotional and spiritual pain, trying to keep it all together while silently crying out for help. It’s a cycle that can feel impossible to break. Yet, God has a plan for each of us—a purpose that brings healing and transformation.

This isn’t just about staying busy or helping others to distract ourselves from our own pain. It’s about seeking God intentionally, asking Him what He has called us to do, and stepping into that calling. Scripture reminds us, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)

When we align ourselves with God’s purpose, healing often comes as a byproduct of obedience. While serving others in our calling, we find that God ministers to our hearts, delivers us from toxic cycles, and strengthens us for the journey ahead.

But it starts with letting God in—tearing down the emotional walls we’ve built to protect ourselves. God doesn’t force His way into our lives. He gently waits for us to surrender, to admit that we can’t do this alone, and to trust Him with the next step.

If you’ve been wearing a mask, pretending everything is okay while barely holding it together, this is your moment. Ask God to reveal His purpose for your life. Step into that calling, not just for the sake of others but for your own healing and freedom. Time is too short to stay stuck in cycles of pain and dysfunction. Let today be the day you break free and embrace the life God has planned for you.

If you need resources or support as you walk this path, please explore the offerings at Freedom Through Divorce. You're not alone, and there is hope and freedom on the other side of this decision.

If you'd like to watch my YouTube Video that inspired this post, you can watch it here

Subscribe to join me on this path, and remember: God bless you, and I love you.

P.S. If you're looking for resources to help you along your journey, be sure to visit my store. You can use the coupon code BLOG to get 20% off your purchase!

God Bless You On Your Journey to Freedom,

Amanda Nicole


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